(Please Note: this is not the album cover)
Greetings folks,
For those of you who were able to hear the January, 13th (24 hour) advanced streaming of the forthcoming Cycle of the Raven Talons "A Medicinal Musical" (2xLP/CD), please know I am deeply thankful that you all took interest and the time to journey within the four directional crafts. The collection has since been removed from the public domain and will await its release later in the year upon tangible formatted artifacts. An official release date is currently unknown, however it will be no later than October, 31st MMXX within my estimation.
I would like to share some of the written testimonials that were shared with me regarding their experience within the medicinal musical mandala. Profound words that brought much love, warmth and tears to this mans heart...
I am
and deeply thankful.
“Remember to touch the earth and wash your face in it. And when you breath in that cedar wind, deep soil and rain soaked mosses through the trees, lay upon her and you will know this music.”
-The White Elk
"I sat through these four specifically designed crafts twice. I felt an out of body experience, one I’ve honestly never felt before in music. I can not wait for this album to be released!”
“The winds lift of an Eagle high above, while a petal that falls to the earth in beautiful decay. This I feel, is the message that embodies the medicinal art of Chet W. Scott’s Cycle of the Raven Talons”
"A collection of four, twenty minute musical decents into the caves of stillness. This is not music to be taken lightly and put on as driving or background filler. These are soundscapes of an aware meditation through a profound musical experience."
-The Gods Have Not
“The "Medicinal Musical" Chet W. Scott offers is a sound of primordial spirit. An exquisite and deeply needed plea for reconnection is persuasive and engaged.”
-The Northern Healer Rewilding Collective
“Using really responsive ear covering headphones, I journeyed deep within this ceremonial craft. I can’t fathom I just sat still through 80 minutes of music. It honestly felt like half that duration. Afterwards, I felt clear minded and emotionally relieved. I experienced an awareness of feeling dialed into my environment so to speak. Much like a sound engineer might tune a room acoustically, these “Medicinal Musicals” Chet W. Scott calls them tuned my being... Intense!”
-Stefan Burnett
“I sit here in tears as I write this to You. I have a 14 year old son with profound Autism. When I play the "medicinal musicals” of Cycle of the Raven Talons, I can honestly say i’ve never seen him so attentive yet calmed by the sound and feel of the work. He will sit quietly through nearly all four meditations. Thank you dearly."
-Nancy Holbeck (Mother)
"This collection towers over me as the most transcendent piece of devotional music I've ever heard. I am stunned by Chet W. Scott's ability to create these musical pathways that root us directly to our innermost experiences. These offerings are informed not only by the wisdom of ancients, but of what is given from within in times of surrender and stillness. Thank you for the medicine."
-James Martinez (Orb Weaver Collective)
"Regarding "Western Metamorphosis" I saw two Eagles flying in a circle then transforming into flames... to become one women.
Really a beautiful and deep song."
-Celine Cix
"Thank you for releasing that collection. As I watched the silhouetted trees against moonlight and listened, I deeply connected with the work, as a result was inspired to write on what I took away and was nourished by..."
: As it rises, upon us & o'er hinterlands,
Radiance & core of being,
Those Easterly mountainous planes,
In yore; fallen Giants we're seeing,
As it rises, exposing colossal planes,
Thawing out matter, so Nether does rise,
Re-emergence into ethereal sphere,
To realign further, than corporeal eyes,
May those Fires, upon eclipsed lands,
Cast deeper shadows like an ever arcing sea,
Wild fires of fulfilled & resolved Spirits, bridging
Across firmament, no longer to become nor be,
Submerged by black earth & moss,
The Ancient Body is acme in slumber,
Through ancestral observance, may we feed
Its dreams, from which we shall nourish & remember,
Ground awake, primordial roots,
Dismantle the stratum, duality unmasked,
Beating heart upon beaten drum,
Inhale echoes of what ancestors asked,
Final Night enclosed, as Stars are swallowed,
Once the clenched wolf jaw beckons,
So, we all, pass on through,
The Cycle of the Raven Talons :
January, 13th, MMXX
"Follow the breath inward
The stillness becomes movement
The movement becomes stillness
Once more connected
Rooted and liberated
Instinctual memory
The warmth of presence
Consonance of spirit
The medicine of being"
-Mist Drinker
"In the Medicinal Musical, rhythm and primordial breath hold the space for an authentic ceremonial experience. As i entered this web of sound, I felt held in a sonic wheel of mystery, where through masterful elemental channeling, wholeness is restored."
-Lady Heron
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