All authentic voices, acoustic guitar, acoustic eight string baritone guitar, electric baritone guitar, fretless bass, hammered dulcimer, mountain dulcimer, various ceremonial old growth wood and bone flutes, organs and keyboards, drums, ceremonial frame drums, various percussion, thunder gong and antique horse hide timpani.
~Chet W. Scott~
~Rachel Scott ~ Cover art water color/additional keyboards on Side B
~James Woodhead ~ Sacred medicine spiral & cover feather art
~David D’Andrea ~ Blood of the Black Owl lettering
~Mell Dettmer ~ Mastering
Recorded digitally and on tape in 2023 using actual sound consoles. No software simulation or trickery. Glass Throat Recordings is located upon the unceded ancestral lands of the first people of the Dkhw Duw’Absh (Duwamish Tribe), past and present!
I raise up with honor and gratitude the Coast Salish land itself and the Dkhw Duw’Absh.
The curation of this collection is inspired by the poetry and spoken word of Uncle John Trudell, as well as the Kuper Island Podcast (an eight part series).
Please watch and support this series here:
A very special thank you to my indigenous family, Aunties, Uncles, Sisters and Brothers I've personally had the profound and emotional experience of speaking directly with regarding their personal battles with spiritual cancer at the hands of Christian Nationalists and the tribal traumas deeply endured through cultural genocide and religious colonialism! I am unconditionally grateful and truly thankful for their medicinal teachings, trust, strength, understanding and respect confided within me.
Glass Throat Recordings stands in solidarity!
I dedicate this release to all my relatives of this great Turtle Island, and to all whom continue to suffer under Christian Nationalist rule and colonial suppression!
Mitakuye Oyasin
-Cante’ Waste’ ObMani’ Wicasa / Chet W. Scott
- Featuring GTR's very first release within our own
original and environmentally friendly cassette box packaging.
- Choose from two cassette body color variants: