Greetings everyone,
It's been too damn long since I've had anything relevant to share through this informative account. With that said, for anyone out there that actually still subscribes to this blog, please know I'm truly grateful for you and the continued interest and support. I'm finding myself these days mainly using the Instagram accounts and Bandcamp platform for all updates, and in the moment things related to the world of GTR. If interested, please follow and or subscribe to these accounts for quick up to date info.
It's hard to believe it's been 25 years now since the inception of all things Glass Throat Recordings. I'd like to take a moment and express my deepest appreciation and gratitude towards those few of you, I've had the honor and privilege of working with, not to mention those of you yet to come. Some of these individuals becoming family in the deepest of ways. Truly amazing. I want to thank all the true GTR supporters long standing and new for all the years of interest and downright love towards these soundscapes of mystery. You know who you really are and my love and warmth to you all.
In a nut shell, within this time period, I've watched a certain release launch an entire movement, while others fall into varying self proclaimed top ten lists of "most influential" of their respective yet particular genre specifics. I guess for still maintaining a very strict boutique discography aesthetic and virtually unknown to many, I find these accolades quite incredible!
All that being said, I wanted to mention along with this 25th milestone, throughout the year and certainly into next, I'll be offering some new releases. Some of which I'm still held hostage by the artists, waiting for them to be finished and the proverbial green light given towards an announcement of some kind. It's litterally been a decade or more for three of these upcoming releases. One of which being my own as some of you are aware, and I thank you for your patience regarding that. The Cycle of the Raven Talons debut "A Medicinal Musical" WILL BE RELEASED this year within three different versions too! Deluxe gatefold CD, Deluxe gatefold Cassette and a 25th anniversary Limited Edition Box Den containing both formats previously mentioned and quite similar to that of the Moss and Memory Den from back in 2006.
In other news, yielding no connection and not to be confused with former GTR artists Cedar Spirits, I'd like to take a moment of your time and introduce the latest member of the GTR family Alex Feilich and his kindred spirited intent of sacred breath soundscapes under the moniker of CEDAR DREAMER. Glass Throat Recordings is honored to be releasing on both deluxe gatefold CD and Cassette his monumental work known as "Solastalgia". Release date forthcoming...
Here is what Alex had to say regarding his craft:
"Solastalgia is a new word to describe a familiar sensation: the psychological effects of living through environmental upheaval and loss. Brought into being throughout a period of intense personal anguish, Solastalgia is the darkest and most cohesive Cedar Dreamer offering to date. Slow building loops lead to crescendos of euphoric trance. Dark ambient minimalism interplays with scintillating choral harmonies. The 4 movements contained herein were created almost entirely by voice and acoustic instruments, without electric guitars or keyboard synths. By returning to the grounding properties of voice and breath, Solastalgia captures an intimate journey along the healing path. The creation of this work was a bitter but necessary medicine, and it is now offered here in the spirit of the gift."
~Photography courtesy of Alex Freilich~

In other news, thanks to the supportive work of Bandcamp and their first Friday of every month waiving of revenue shares throughout the pandemic, I'll be offering another major 24 hour sale tonight at 12:00am PDT!
Handcrafted limited edition items such as the Elemental Chrysalis "Feathers of Lunation" hand Embroidered Pro-CD-R and the Blood of the Black Owl "WARmth" hand branded and sewn hide w/patch 2xCD (pictured below) will be reduced in price from 20-25%!
Also, the Moon Mourning Earth limited cassette release has moved into a second edition available now (pictured below). This time featuring a tip-on photographic element of still-death photography courtesy of DyralĂf (@dyralif) for Glass Throat Visions.
Be well folks and thanks for taking the time to read and not unsubscribing! Please spread the word as there is so much more to come, including some REALLY BIG news regarding forthcoming releases...
Love and warmth,
-Chet W. Scott