Cedar Spirits
“Self Titled Debut” (GTR-019)
The debut full length journey from Cedar Spirits features a
collaborative offering from two Pacific Northwestern ritual folk
artists, known to the community as novemthree and
Cycle of the Raven Talons (formerly ruhr hunter).
From the opening invocation; “Oh spirit Sun, guide
and protect us. Oh spirit Rain, cleanse and inform
us. Oh spirit Earth, nurture and feed us. In this
life, I start anew....”
Through this organic and purely acoustic presence,
It becomes self evident the Cedar Spirits express a
growth of spirit, light of life within a deeply respectful
musical craft. A craft focusing a humble, apologetic
nature through a richly intent filled medicinal musical.
An honoring of the Mother through every note and
every word.
A collective practice, a declaration of vows through
important, careful stewardship and human well being
towards a bio-region in need of love, strength, respectful
participation and vital protection!
“To the keeper of the woods, under moonlight
stood, deep within your earthen womb....
please forgive us.”